Forensic Audit

Can you act promptly to uncover the facts and recover any lost assets if your company has been the victim of corporate fraud? Could you respond to a business issue in a short amount of time? Do you have the technological know-how to traverse this data minefield if your industry regulator demands financial data that dates back a number of years? Can you appraise a company or calculate a loss in earnings to satisfy the court’s requirements in a legal dispute?

These are issues that businesses and legal counsel commonly deal with. It will take a team with the knowledge and expertise to complete the task on time and to the highest standard, as well as a strategy appropriate for the problem at hand, to be able to respond to them successfully.


Our clients have said that we produce well-written, in-depth reports that are factual and credible. When we offer advisory services, we make sure the guidance is practical and targeted to help our clients get the best results.