Zacharia Ngugi is Company Secretary, Trainer and Business Consultant with Haki Registrars; he is a practising member of the Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (CPSK), an Associate Member of the Kenya Institute of Management (AMKIM) and holds an Executive MBA from Moi University.
He holds over 20 years experience in Company Secretarial practice, Shares Registration and Corporate governance and Consultancy having also worked for various Consulting Firms including Africa Registrars an affiliate of Ernst & Young, He has successfully carried out assignments for major secretarial clients including companies in Tourism, Banking and Finance, Insurance, the Manufacturing Sector and as the Shares Registrar for East African Portland Cement, a Public Limited Company quoted on the Nairobi Stock Exchange.
Mr Ngugi is Currently serving as a member of the Board of Governors, for Kerwa Secondary School, in Kikuyu District, and serving in the Board’s Executive Committee.
He’s a business consultant and trainer in various management, corporate consultancy and governance issues and is a recognised trainer with Institutional Consultants Ltd and ICPSK. He’s also a business management and statutory compliance advisor and Business Consultant on Kameme FM, a local Vernacular Radio Station.
Currently also serving as a member of the Editorial Board of the Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK) whose responsibility includes to primarily produce the Institute Journal as an authoritative medium for dissemination of information to members and as a major part of the profession’s public face with a view to enhancing recognition of the Institute and CPS profession locally and internationally.
He writes articles for the journal of the Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK) called Professional Management and for KASNEB Newsline, the journal of the Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examinations Board.
He has also been involved in the review of the Kenya Accountants and National Examinations Board (KASNEB) syllabuses as a panellist. He was instrumental in preparing course content for the entire CPS syllabus including Corporate Governance and Ethics, Company Secretarial Practice, Meetings Law and Procedures and all Management Papers across the Syllabuses.